UK's COVID -19 Lockdown
What it means for our services to you:
Our business is able to be open.
However due to the Government's lock down information it means that people are limited in their ability to come to us, and we were limited in going to people so as we thought there would be no requirement for us; and because of the initial belief that only essential businesses remained open, it was inevitable that we had to close.
As time has worn on the guidelines have changed and/or been clarified. This means that we are now able to offer limited services.
Training: We will be offering training and behaviour classes and consults online. And will get back to physical classes where we can meet social distance guidelines.
Grooming: We are fully open for grooming now.
Daycare: We are fully open for daycare now.
2. Closing Certain Businesses and Venues
Other businesses can remain open and their employees can travel to work, provided they cannot work from home.
4. Going to Work.
"With the exception of the organisations covered above in the section on closing certain businesses and venues, the government has not required any other businesses to close – indeed it is important for business to carry on."
The above government guidance is what we will be following in order to keep our clients and our staff safe - specifically the paragraphs relating to Retail and Outdoor Businesses
CFSG Recommendations (summarised)
Keeping safe is number 1 priority.
This means both physically and mentally.
The whole family needs to stay healthy and happy.
If one of the members of our family is suffering this creates a mental health issue for the whole family.
If your dog could suffer due to it's health being comprised - (coat maintenance is one key to healthy skin and a healthy animal mind) then we will do what we can to help alleviate that compromise.
Anything that is done will be within the recommendations that our current situation will allow.
If it's dog related, relevant and useful you might find a link to it below:
Romanian Rescue - Rescue dogs from Romania
Broken Biscuits - Disabled Dogs
Kennel Club For anything relating to dogs in the UK
AgilityNet - find everything to do with Dog Agility in the UK-shows, training, equipment and loads more.
ObedienceNet - And for everything to do with Dog Obedience in the UK
Heelwork To Music & Freestyle - No one website like for agility and obedience but here are some from the UK
We are now adding testimonials to our site - please feel free to add yours. Just like our attitude, a positive outlook is best - you can email direct, add it into the Chat box below or put it up on facebook or instagram and we will pick it up from there - add a fab photo of your four legged best friend too.
Leon & Vanessa
Sincere thanks for all your effort with Willi, it's made a real difference to all our lives
We love it there. Looking forward to being able to walk in the meadow the fence looks great x
Thank you, he looks fabulous!
The Meadow
Facilities at The Meadow:
We are continually adding new items to the meadow so keep checking back
A relaxing place to exercise your dog
To feel in the heart of the Surrey countryside
A small natural pond for dogs to swim and play in
Paddling pools to play in or drink from
Close to other dog friendly amenities
Daycare during the week